Friday, January 16, 2009

Thought Repeation

Yesterday, I had an idea. Idea that seems to me cool. It was on peer to peer video distribution network. As i thought deeply, i got more and more excited with in myself. It seemed to me truly original and new.

Then I called my friend, to find out how good he thinks it is. He listened to it patiently and then said, dude, its already out in the market and working. I tried to add many new things to make him rethink and to convince him that my thoughts are original.

Then, I did a google search and I am in shock. Its done same to same as I thought. The question that came to mind was "Have I read it already and trying to lie myself now saying the idea as my orginal thought ?".
I have not read about this idea anywhere and it just came to mind when i was waiting for my mp3 to get downloaded and same time watching a discovery documentry that I downloaded from torrents after 3 days from starting it, called "Download: The true story of internet". There was this cool story of how napster brought people power to the internet playground.

Finally, I was wondering how the first person would have got this thought as I got it today. Would he have just got it randomly as I did. Actullay, these ideas never come in random, there is a correlation matrix s/w that runs in background in our mind. This tiny s/w actually corelate two independent set of information, observation and experiene of the human and deduce these kind of interesting ideas out of the need.


Gubbi said...

I'm eager to learn about the service which does it the same way as you might have thought !!

I agree about the correlation and interpretations going on in the back of the mind...

I guess, for the original guy the idea was a natural progression from the earlier experiments happening in that field. When a bunch of people are involved in a popular project, each one of them tries to take that technology and solve their other existing problems... and things get discussed and spark off something else, and that way I guess, not 1 but many would have thought the same things, got together and built a community around that project...

What say?

Rahul said...

seems another Einstein will come soon!
good buddy!

kunal said...

great post.. but that was sad u thought u have done something new but u find someone has done it already

but then u understood the process.