Sunday, April 19, 2009

Excited , Enrgized and Humble

Today I am on a thanksgiving spree to all those developers, who are great or grand at their work, but still they outbeat themselves everyday by proving them again and again. They inspire a lot of people unknowlingly with their attitude to the work. They are so polite in their words and show such a curosity to listen to the minds. The way, they impact anything at hand with their sincere involvement make me wonder how can they have so much time for everything in this world.

I communicate with a lot of them directly or indirectly over emails and chats. Really admire how could they know so much. I tracked few of them, started reading all of their email, their pattern to start , talked with few over chart. This made me admire them more and more...

They are thankful to everything they learnt new.They dont need anyone to ask them to get involved in a problem. They are proactive jumpers. No answer from them is half hearted. They do detail confirmation on what they are actually saying. Never overstate a hypothesis to prove their ego. With all these qualities they also happen to be awesome listeners.

The agenda should never be to show your manager, what you are doing. You being sincere to your work and working without any boundries are the real way to do it. Strive to do all you can do.

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