Sunday, November 01, 2009

The variable Temp

Someyear back my grandfather had come from village to visit our house. He was lost in the colony. All houses were so alike for him.When I caught him, he was explaining a stranger about a house with a banyan tree infront of it and beneth the tree a black cow always used to rest. I could not stop smiling on his silliness.But I forgot to realize how such an old fellow did the mistake of recogniging the differnece between what is temp and what is permanent.

System,process,custom,tradition,society,rules,regulations are some of the common things that stay constant, others change. Person who used to be silly becomes wise. Long hairs become short. Tshirst got replaced by suites. Eyes that could see the other end of the river once, search for the boat to cross it now. Pillion riders become car owners.

So Temp is not constant


Gubbi said...

Dude, a banyan tree would be a constant most of the times. And a black cow too that is owned. "Black" cow, "tied". Anyway.

of course everything depends on the time frame you are talking about. Temp is Constant and Constant is Temp. Depends on the time range.

Most of the things you have mentioned as constant... I just don't understand how you can classify them as constants. Just look at yourself in your 20s and at your father in his 20s... is any of it the same? You actually go on to give the examples for it from the next line itself.

Were you totally drunk when you wrote this? I doubt if you could, without getting kicked around at the house :P

Anonymous said...

Well,i think its a "Problem of Choice"..this is what makes 'Temp' become 'constant' and 'constant' a 'Temp'.