Monday, October 13, 2008

My Handwriting

Today I was writing a doc and found a new font "MS Gothic". Font that was invented by Apple, I think one is a very creative inventions in the field of document writing.

If I recollect my school days, My odiya teacher used to say, the cow dung looks more beautiful than my handwriting. Then she used put a pen between my index and fore finger and press the fingers till I cry in pain. Was it really the fault of those fingers !!

My english teacher used to say, a beautiful english letter must look like seeds of vegetable brinzal. Guys do use your imagination here. Never achieved that though, but she always used to cut some of my marks in exam in the hope I will be better oneday.

If they all had the slightest idea, oneday I will promise to go paperless and use these "font" for all beauty of writing, I would not have suffered then.

Any teachers, please do not punish the kids for this any more.

1 comment:

Gubbi said...

:)) Very true.

I have many horrible stories to tell too. I actually took handwriting classes after my 12th. :P

I'm glad we have computers. :)